IETA, ICROA and ITN Productions collaborate to produce news-style programme “Net Zero: The Integrity Pathway”

GENEVA, 24 May – IETA, ICROA and ITN Productions collaborate to produce a news-style programme “Net Zero: The Integrity Pathway”.

Climate change is the most pressing issue of our time and reducing emissions has become vital, but decarbonisation represents a huge challenge for companies. Globally, organisations have a responsibility to act if the Paris Agreement’s climate protection goals of achieving net zero by 2050 are to be achieved.

The pathway to net zero follows a mitigation hierarchy, which states that organisations should have both long and short-term science-based targets to address greenhouse gas emissions, not only from their own supply chain (insetting), but also offsetting unavoidable emissions by investing in carbon projects.

IETA, ICROA and ITN Productions Industry News are producing a news-style programme, “Net Zero: The Integrity Pathway.” Anchored by author and presenter Claire Nasir from ITN’s London studios, the programme will educate on best practices in corporate GHG mitigation, including high integrity carbon offsetting and insetting, and why a responsible approach to net zero considers avoiding, removing, and reducing emissions.

The programme will raise awareness of best practices in carbon reduction and offsetting, showcase the organisations performing well in this area and highlight the benefits and impacts these activities have to individuals and communities on the ground. The programme will also explore the difference between compliance markets and voluntary markets and the latest technological advances and innovations surrounding the trajectory to net zero.

Featuring expert interviews, news items and reporter-led sponsored editorial profiles from leading organisations filmed on location, the programme will launch in early November 2022 and will be supported by an extensive campaign targeting IETA members and professional networks.

“Building on last year’s success with ITN Productions in showing how carbon markets work, this year we hope to illuminate public understanding of how businesses are embracing the net zero challenge – with innovation, enthusiasm and the “can do” entrepreneurial spirit of our community,” said Dirk Forrister, CEO and President of IETA.

“We want to feature “the do-ers” who are already showing success on the net zero journey.”

Nina Harrison-Bell, Head of ITN Productions Industry News said: “We are delighted to be working with IETA and ICROA to make a programme that raises awareness and demonstrates the importance of setting new global standards for high integrity carbon offsetting to help reduce and remove greenhouse gas emissions and shows the organisations who are accelerating progress in the role carbon markets play.”

For further information or if your organisation has a story to share please contact:
Lukasz Biernacki, Communications Director at ICROA;
Jeff Blackmore, Programme Director at ITN Productions or
Jamie Connolly, Programme Director at ITN Productions.


The International Carbon Reduction and Offset Alliance (ICROA) represents the interests of service providers in promoting emissions reductions and offsetting to the highest standards of environmental integrity and in support of the Paris Agreement. ICROA provides an Accreditation Programme and represents its members through advocacy and action-oriented activities aimed at advancing best practice in the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM). ICROA is a non-profit initiative housed within the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA).

About ITN Productions

ITN Productions produces bespoke creative and commercial content for broadcasters, businesses, brands, rights holders and digital channels. Industry News forms part of this offering and is a communications tool for leading industry bodies and national associations produced in a broadcast news-style programme format, including interviews, news items and sponsored editorial profiles.